Test Runner

In the context of Cucumber, a "Cucumber runner file" is a Java class or feature file that serves as the entry point for executing Cucumber tests. It's typically used to configure and run Cucumber tests, providing options for specifying the features and step definitions to be executed, along with any additional configuration settings.

  • Entry Point: Just like a main method in Java or a starting script in other programming languages, a Cucumber runner file is where the execution of Cucumber tests begins.
  • Configuration: You can use the runner file to configure various settings for your Cucumber tests, such as specifying which feature files to run, defining the location of your step definitions, setting up reporting options, and more.
  • Execution: Once configured, the runner file initiates the execution of your Cucumber tests. It reads the feature files containing your scenarios written in Gherkin syntax and matches them with the corresponding step definitions written in your programming language (e.g., Java).
  • Reporting: Depending on your configuration, the runner file may generate test reports or output that provide insights into the execution of your Cucumber tests, such as which scenarios passed, failed, or were skipped.
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import io.cucumber.junit.Cucumber;
import io.cucumber.junit.CucumberOptions;

    features = "src/test/resources/features", // Location of your feature files
    glue = "com.example.stepdefinitions",      // Package where your step definitions are located
    plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-reports"} // Reporting options
public class TestRunner 
    // This class is empty because it serves as an entry point for JUnit to run Cucumber tests