CSS Selector
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CSS Selector Cheat Sheet

Descendant selectors

To select all h1 element. h1

To select all p element inside div element. div p

To select all div element and all p element. div, p

To select all p element where div element is parent. div > p

To select all hyperlink element inside p. div > p > a

To select all element inside div. div > *

To select root element. :root

To select the div element inside body. :root > body > div

Order selectors

To select first child of ul. ul > li:first-child

To select third child of ul element. ul > li:nth-child(3)

To select last child element. ul > li:last-child

To select first element with attribute. li#id_of_li:first-child

To select first hyperlink from body. a:first-child

To select last hyperlink in the body. a:last-child

Attribute selectors

To select the element with id. #some_id

To select element with class name .class_name

To select all element with href attribute. [href]

To select element with class attribute value class1 and class2. .class1.class2

To select an element with class attribute value class2 which is descendant of an element with class attribute value class1. .class1 .class2

To select a submit button. input[type="submit"]

To select an element with multiple attribute value. div#some_id[data="some_value"]

To select an element with attribute name data. div[data]

To select an element having an attribute value starts with. div[class^='my_']

To select all elements with a class attribute value equal to my or starting with my. div[class|='my']

To select an element having an attribute value ends with. div[class$='_class']

To select an element which contains attribute value. img[src*='icon']

To select an element which does not contain attribute value. img[src~='icon']


To select every p element that is preceded by div element with id some_id. div#some_id ~ p

To select first p element that is placed immediately after div element with id some_id. div#some_id + p

To select all div except with class value failed div:not([class='failed'])


To select an active element. a:active

To select all checked input element. input:checked

To selects the default input element. input:default

To selects all disabled input element. input:disabled

To selects all p element that has no children. p:empty

To selects all enabled input element. input:enabled

To select the first letter of every p element. p::first-letter

To select the first line of every p element. p::first-line

To select every p element that is the first p element of its parent. p:first-of-type

To select the input element which has focus. input:focus

To select h2 elements that are immediately followed by a p element. h2:has(+p)

To select all p element that is the last p element of its parent. p:last-of-type

To select all unvisited links. a:link

To select all visited links. a:visited

To select all p element that is the second p element of its parent, counting from the last child. p:nth-last-of-type(2)

To select all p element that is the second p element of its parent. p:nth-of-type(2)

To select all p element that is the only p element of its parent. p:only-of-type

To select all p element that is the only child of its parent. p:only-child

To select input elements with no required attribute. input:optional

To select input elements with the placeholder attribute specified. input::placeholder

To select input elements with the readonly attribute specified. input:read-only

To select input elements with the required attribute specified. input:required