Maven Cheat Sheet

Maven Command Execution Phases

To clean the target directory. mvn clean

To validate if the project is correct mvn vlidate

To compile the source code. mvn compile

To run tests. mvn test

To package compiled code in distributable format. mvn package

To verify the maven package is valid. mvn verify

To install package into the local repository mvn install

To copy maven package to remote repository mvn deploy

Create new Maven Project

To create a new Maven project in interactive mode. mvn archetype:generate \ -DgroupId=com.mydomain \ -DartifactId=example-project

To create a new Maven project in non-interactive mode. mvn archetype:generate \ -DgroupId=com.mydomain \ -DartifactId=example-project \ -DinteractiveMode=false

To create a new Maven web project. mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.mydomain \ -DartifactId=example-webproject \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp

Packaging and Installing Maven Project

To package your Maven project. mvn package

To clean the target directory. mvn clean

To clean target directory and package your project. mvn clean package

To execute your build with five concurrent threads for package. mvn clean package -T 5

To package a specific module. mvn clean package -pl my_module

To package multiple module mvn clean package -pl first_module,second_module

To package without running tests. mvn clean package -DskipTests

To skip tests and compile while packaging. mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

To run a single tests mvn test -Dtest="name_of_your_test"

To run build offline. mvn clean package -o


To list all dependencies. mvn dependency:list

To check a specific dependency in project. mvn dependency:list | grep testng

To see plugins used in project. mvn dependency:resolve-plugins

To see the plugin updates for project. mvn versions:display-plugin-updates


To download source code for each of the dependencies in your pom file. mvn dependency:sources

To download the sources matching specific groupId. mvn dependency:sources -DincludeGroupIds=org.testng

To download the javadocs. mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc


To see the dependency tree. mvn dependency:tree

To analyze the dependencies of the project. mvn dependency:analyze

To describe the attributes of a plugin mvn help:describe

To display the effective POM. mvn help:effective-pom

Command options

To specify number of threads -T

To specify threads per CPU. -T 3C

To resume build from the specific project -rf

To build specific module -pl

To enable debug output -X

To activate the profile -P

To stop at first failure. --ff