Simctl Cheatsheet


To list all available simulators. xcrun simctl list

To create new simulator. xcrun simctl create iphone-sim-14–3

To shut down a simulator xcrun simctl shutdown AAAAAAAA–012D-3333-B444-DDDDDDDDDDDD

To erase the content. xcrun simctl erase AAAAAAAA–012D-3333-B444-DDDDDDDDDDDD

To boot the simulator using new UUID. xcrun simctl boot AAAAAAAA–012D-3333-B444-DDDDDDDDDDDD

To open simulator app. open /Applications/

Shutdown Simulator

To shutdown last booted simulator. xcrun simctl shutdown booted

To shutdown a simulator with name. xcrun simctl shutdown "iPhone 14"

To shutdown all simulator xcrun simctl shutdown all

Erase Simulator contents

To erase the content of simulator by UDID xcrun simctl erase AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEE

To erase the contents of simulator by name xcrun simctl erase "iPhone XS"

To erase the contents of all simulator. xcrun simctl erase all

Add media to simulator

To add media to last booted simulator. xcrun simctl addmedia booted ./video_01.mp4

To add media to a specific simulator. xcrun simctl addmedia "iPhone XS" ./video_01.mp4

Install App

To install app on last booted simulator. xcrun simctl install booted "./path/to/"

To install app on a specific simulator. xcrun simctl install "iPhone XS Max" "./path/to/"

Uninstall App

To uninstall an app from last booted simulator. xcrun simctl uninstall booted com.mycompany.myapp

To uninstall an app from specific simulator. xcrun simctl uninstall "iPhone XS Max" com.mycompany.myapp

Launch app

To launch an app on last booted simulator. xcrun simctl launch booted com.mycompany.myapp

To launch an app on specific device. xcrun simctl launch "iPhone XS Max" com.mycompany.myapp

Terminate app

To terminate an app from last booted simulator. xcrun simctl terminate booted com.mycompany.myapp

To terminate an app from a specific simulator. xcrun simctl terminate "iPhone XS Max" com.mycompany.myapp

Open URL

To open a url on last booted simulator. xcrun simctl openurl booted

To open a url on specific simulator. xcrun simctl openurl "iPhone XS Max"

Record simulator video

To record video on last booted simulator. xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo — type=mp4 ./simulator-record_001.mp4

To record video on specific simulator. xcrun simctl io "iPhone XS Max" recordVideo — type=mp4 ./simulator-record_001.mp4

Screenshot simulator

To take screenshots on last booted simulator. xcrun simctl io booted screenshot ./simulator-screenshot_001.png

To take screenshot on a specific simulator. xcrun simctl io "iPhone XS Max" screenshot ./simulator-screenshot_001.png

Push Notification to simulator

To create a push notification on a simulator, create a file with .apns extension, and add the following code. Then drag and drop to the device. { "Simulator Target Bundle": "com.facebook.flipper", "aps": { "alert": "This is a simulated notification!", "badge": 3, "sound": "default" } }


To switch the appearance style in a device to dark. xcrun simctl ui booted appearance dark

To switch the appearance style in a device to light. xcrun simctl ui booted appearance light