
Tags in Specflow are like labels that you can attach to your scenarios or features to categorize and selectively run certain tests. Tags are words or labels preceded by the @ symbol that you can add to scenarios or features in your Gherkin files. You can use tags to categorize or group scenarios based on certain criteria, like functionality, priority, or environment. Tags allow you to run specific sets of scenarios or features by specifying the tags during test execution.

Tags can be added in the feature file like the following

Feature: Login functionality

  @positive @regression
  Scenario: Successful login
    Given the user is on the login page
    When the user enters valid credentials
    Then the user should be logged in successfully

In the above example we have added a tag to identify this as smoke test scenario. To run scenarios with a specific tag, you can use the following command:

dotnet test --filter "Tags=smoke"

To run scenarios with multiple tags (logical AND), you can use the following command:

dotnet test --filter "Tags=positive&regression"

Tags in Specflow help you organize and control the execution of your tests, making it easier to focus on specific sets of scenarios based on your testing needs!