Test Runner

The test runner in SpecFlow is responsible for executing your SpecFlow tests and reporting the results. It integrates with your chosen unit testing framework (e.g., NUnit, MSTest, xUnit) to run the tests defined in your feature files and their associated step definitions.

1. Choose a Unit Testing Framework:

  • Before you can run your SpecFlow tests, you need to choose a unit testing framework to use as the test runner. SpecFlow supports popular unit testing frameworks such as NUnit, MSTest, and xUnit.
  • Let's say you've chosen xUnit as your unit testing framework.

2. Configure SpecFlow to Use the Unit Testing Framework:

  • In your SpecFlow project, configure SpecFlow to use xUnit as the test runner. This configuration can be done in the app.config or specflow.json file.
  "specFlow": {
    "unitTestProvider": {
      "name": "xUnit"

3. Write Your Feature Files and Step Definitions:

Define your feature files using Gherkin syntax and write corresponding step definitions

4. Build Your SpecFlow Project:

Build your SpecFlow project to compile your feature files and step definitions.

5. Run Your Tests Using the xUnit Test Runner:

Use the xUnit test runner to execute your SpecFlow tests. You can run your tests from the command line or from within Visual Studio Test Explorer.

dotnet test YourSpecFlowProject.dll

6. View Test Results:

After running your tests, you can view the test results to see which scenarios passed, failed, or were skipped.

1 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped

By using xUnit as the test runner for SpecFlow tests, you can leverage the features of xUnit for test execution and reporting while still benefiting from SpecFlow's behavior-driven development approach for defining and organizing your tests.